AVC Web Services

Antelope Valley Community College District
Informal Bidding Registered Bidders List Application

Application Instructions

The below-identified Contractor requests that the Contractor be included in the District's Registered Bidders List for the District's informally bid projects under the California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act ("CUPCCA") for the :

1. Contact Information For Informal Bidding Notices   Contact information for notices to the contractor of informal bidding opportunities is as follows:

The Business Name is to match the name on the Contractors State License Board (CSLB) website. Applications with a Business Name that does not match the license number on the CSLB website, or applications with other misinformation, will be rejected.

2. Contactor's License

3. Contactor Trade Category(ies). The Contractor is currently licensed to perform and is interested in performing the following trade category(ies) of informally bid projects. By submitting this Application, the Contracotor certifies to the District that the Contractor is currently licensed to perform the work of the trade categories for which the Contractor indicates interest in performing.

4. Verification. By submitting this application, the submitter certifies that they are an employee of the Contractor and are duly authorized to execute and submit this Application to the District on behalf of the Contractor. The submitter has reviewed the foregoing and has confirmed that the foregoing is complete and accurate.